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Taylor's Fine Ruby Port 750ml

Taylor's Fine Ruby a blend of full bodied Port wines aged for around two years in large oak vats in Taylor's cellars, or 'lodges', in Vila Nova de Gaia.

Taylor's Fine Tawny Port 750ml

Taylor's is now into it's fourth century, one of the very oldest of the Port companies. It is the last totally independent company of the original British Port houses - and is still family owned and managed. Taylor's is recognised for its consistent quality of Vintage Ports and for pioneering the successful 'Late Bottle Vintage' (LBV) style - a high quality ready-to-drink alternative to vintage port.

Taylors Jaraman Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

This is a rich full-bodied wine yet at the same time, remains in balanced across the palate with fine, elegant tannins – the hallmark of great Cabernet.

Taylors Jaraman Shiraz 750ml

The luscious elegance of the Clare Valley fruit marries superbly with the slightly peppery fruit from McLaren Vale.

Taylors Reserve Parcel Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

Selected for their uniqueness of character and outstanding quality the Reserve Parcel wines represent the finest aspects of each vintage. This Cabernet Sauvignon displays ripe blackcurrant fruit characters and savoury, cedar oak characters from the oak maturation.

Taylors Reserve Parcel Shiraz 750ml

Selected for their uniqueness of character and outstanding quality the Reserve Parcel wines represent the finest aspects of each vintage. This Shiraz displays generous fruit flavours of plum and blackberry along with mocha coffee and subtle spice characters from the oak maturation.

Te Mata Estate Chardonnay 750ml

Sourced exclusively from Te Mata Estate's own vineyards. This Estate Vineyards Chardonnay was harvested from Bridge Pa Triangle, Woodthorpe Terraces and Havelock Hills vineyards. White gold in the glass, immediate refreshing appeal of ripe nectarine and lemon sorbet edged with sea-salt, roast almond and a hint of smoke from French oak. Delicious on its own, or a wonderful partner for both simply prepared and fuller flavoured seafood and white meat dishes.

Te Mata Estate Gamay Noir 750ml

Aromas of black cherry, wild strawberry and star anise. The palate is soft and pillowy with a racing-stripe of boysenberry ripple through it. There are dark roses, raspberries, and notes of sandalwood and liquorice.

Te Mata Estate Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Vibrant guava and vibrant passionfruit on the nose give way to gooseberry, coriander and aniseed on the palate - rich, complex botanicals that add alluring detail to this wine.

Te Mata Estate Syrah 750ml

This Syrah includes a touch of Viognier, a traditional winemakeing technique in France's Rhone Valley. It introduces a delightful floral aroma and supple texture to Syrah's spicy dark berry flavours.

The Famous Grouse 1 Litre

The Famous Grouse, the original, Scotland's favourite blended whisky. Made from the finest malt and grain whiskies. Perfectly balanced, versatile, with a soft warm depth of flavour and bright fruity notes.

The Glenlivet 12YO Single Malt Double Oak 700ml

Representing The Glenlivet's signature style, this classic malt is first matured in traditional oak, before spending time in American oak casks which impart notes of vanilla and gives the whisky it's distinctive smoothness. Smooth, balanced, fruity - an invitation to indulgence in liquid form.
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