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Allan Scott Cecilia Brut Marlborough Cuvée 750ml

When the bottle is opened the wine 'pops' into life and you are immediately met with fruity and floral character with notes of blossom, apple, pear and hints of ripe red berry fruits. Fresh, soft fruit entry with lemon and appley complexity and a crisp, clean finish. Vegan friendly

Babydoll Sparkling Blush 750ml

Babydoll's BABYDOLL sheep live beneath the vines, nibbling on grass and weeds and giving their name to these delicious wines. Small but mighty, they're wonderful groundskeepers. Yes, they need a little help to keep the mowing going. But it's all for the good of the grapes.

Blue Nun Sparkling 24K Gold Edition 750ml

Blue Nun 24K GOLD EDITION is a high-quality sparkler, with a full, rounded flavour. Made by Germany's leading wine producer. Light and elegant in style. What makes it really distinctive is that it contains fine pieces of 24-carat gold leaf, designed to highlight its natural effervescence.

Brown Brothers Prosecco 4x200ml

Prosecco's zesty, crisp flavours and delicate bubbles pair well with everything from sweet treats and salty snacks, to fresh seafood, fruit, and desserts. Brown Brothers Prosecco is vibrant and easy-drinking, a refreshing expression of Prosecco that's rich in citrus notes with a soft, bubbly palate. A refreshing sip for any occasion made perfect for picnics, brunches, or times where you don't want to open a full bottle.

Brown Brothers Prosecco 750ml

Prosecco's zesty, crisp flavours and delicate bubbles pair well with everything from sweet treats and salty snacks, to fresh seafood, fruit, and desserts. Brown Brothers Prosecco is vibrant and easy-drinking, a refreshing expression of Prosecco that's rich in citrus notes with a soft, bubbly palate.

Brown Brothers Prosecco Rosé 4x200ml

This delightful Rosé retains the signature freshness and vibrancy of Prosecco, with an added subtle hint of berry on the palate. Crafted with care, a small percentage of Cienna grapes was masterfully blended to achieve the blush hue. Sip on this refreshing sparkling wine, best enjoyed in its youthful and delicate state.

Brown Brothers Prosecco Rosé 750ml

This delightful Rosé retains the signature freshness and vibrancy of Prosecco, with an added subtle hint of berry on the palate. Crafted with care, a small percentage of Cienna grapes was masterfully blended to achieve the blush hue. Sip on this refreshing sparkling wine, best enjoyed in its youthful and delicate state.

Brown Brothers Sparkling Moscato 750ml

Sparkling Moscato has a bright vibrant colour with a youthful green hue. The wine has lifted musk aromas along with freshly crushed grapes and a sherbet perfume. The palate also shows these characters along with a tight citrus core that balances the fruitiness of this refreshing full sparkling wine. Serve well chilled and enjoy while young and vibrant.

Brown Brothers Sparkling Moscato Rosé 750ml

This wine has a bright pink strawberry hue, giving it a light and delicate appearance. Due to a small addition of Cienna the wine has lifted red berry aromas along with freshly crushed grapes and a spicy perfume. The palate also shows these characters along with a fruitiness that is balanced by acidity and the refreshing full sparkling sensation. Serve well chilled and enjoy while young and vibrant.

Canti Prosecco DOC Millesimato 750ml

Light golden hues and a satisfyingly fragrant bouquet, with a crisp, lively palate of dry, fruity peach and pear characters. Great aperitif.

Cinzano Prosecco DOC 750ml

Fresh, fizzy and fruity, with flavours reminiscent of apple and pear. It has a sweet scent and a soft touch in the mouth and as such, it is perfect as an aperitivo, or for blending in cocktails such as the Aperol Spritz.

Cloudy Bay Pelorus NV 750ml

The Pelorus is crisp and balanced. The pale straw colour and aromas of ripe citrus hint at its Chardonnay origins. On the nose, a bouquet of apple and lemon complements the aromas of fresh bread, drawn from two years' bottle ageing on lees.
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