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Caol Ila 12YO Islay Single Malt 750ml

Caol Ila is hidden in a quiet cove near Port Askaig. Many consider this locality to be the wildest and most picturesque of the island.

Caorunn Small Batch Scottish Gin 700ml

Carefully handcrafted in the Scottish Highlands, five locally foraged gin botanicals expertly infused.

Captain Morgan Black Jamaica Rum 1 Litre

Captain Morgan Jamaica Black Rum is a premium blend crafted from five distinctive rum marques sourced across three Caribbean countries, bringing an authentic richness to every drop. This bold, full-bodied rum delivers a deep, intense colour and layered notes of caramel and vanilla, perfect for rum enthusiasts seeking a taste of true Caribbean adventure. Whether sipped straight or mixed, Jamaica Black Rum is made to elevate any gathering with the crew.

Captain Morgan Original Spiced Gold 1 Litre

Captain Morgan Original Spiced Gold is expertly aged in charred white oak barrels, it brings together rich notes of vanilla, brown sugar, dried fruit, and warming spices, balanced with subtle hints of oak. This perfectly balanced spirit boasts a colour as rich as gold doubloons and a taste that's smooth to the finish. Made to mix beautifully with cola, Original Spiced Gold is the ideal choice for those seeking a refreshing, adventurous twist.

Cavalier Green Ginger Wine 750ml

The bold ginger dives right down your throat & leaves a lingering spicy sensation. Pour over ice, mix with soda water or use for many cocktails - even a hot toddy!

Cazcabel Coconut Liqueur 700ml

Cazcabel tequila is created in an independent micro distillery in the town of Arandas, located in the highlands of the Jalisco mountains in Mexico. Cazcabel Coconut blends succulent sweetness from coconut, with the dry, earthy tones and crisp citrus edge of Cazcabel Blanco. Producing a taste profile of rich, sweet & warm hits of coconut.

Cazcabel Coffee Liqueur 700ml

Cazcabel tequila is created in an independent micro distillery in the town of Arandas, located in the highlands of the Jalisco mountains in Mexico. Using the fresh and earthy base of the Blanco, Cazcabel Coffee blends a roasted sweet hit of luxury arabica coffee from the coastal region of Soconusco in Mexico. It's a stunning short that can be used in innovative cocktails or enjoyed neat over ice.

Cazcabel Honey Liqueur 700ml

Cazcabel tequila is created in an independent micro distillery in the town of Arandas, located in the highlands of the Jalisco mountains in Mexico. The honey used in Cazcabel Honey is made with 100% natural honey, adding a dose of sweet nectar to the blend, balanced with the fresh, earthy and dry Blanco at its heart.

Chartreuse Green Liqueur 700ml

Green Chartreuse is a French Liqueur made by the Carthusian Monks since the 1740s. It comprises of distilled alcohol aged with 130 herbal extracts.

Chartreuse Yellow Liqueur 700ml

Milder and sweeter than the famous Green Chartreuse, Yellow Chartreuse was introduced to the world in 1840. It also is presented in the traditional Chartreuse liqueur bottle embossed with the seal of La Grande Chartreuse.

Chatelle VSOP Brandy 1 Litre

Selected and blended with the greatest care, Chatelle Napoleon is aged in small oak barrels under the supervision of a master blender. This smooth, premium brandy offers a generous medley of fruit, spices and oak.

Chivas Regal 12YO 1 Litre

Smooth, rich and generous, Chivas 12 is a classic for a reason. Iconic Speyside flavours sit at the core of this 12-year-old blended Scotch whisky, made up of the finest malt and grain whiskies. Luxurious honey, vanilla and ripe apple notes are delivered with every sip.
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